Showroom West - Velbert

Stahlstraße 25, 42551 Velbert

Special opening hours

04.09. 10 a.m to 6 p.m
05.09. 10 a.m to 6 p.m
07.09. closed
08.09. closed
09.09. closed
10.09. closed
11.09. 10 a.m to 6 p.m
12.09. 10 a.m to 6 p.m
14.09. closed
15.09. closed


Tel.: 02327 / 40 70 135


We look forward to seeing you


We look forward to seeing you

Showroom south west - Dörzbach

Mittelweg 8, 74677 Dörzbach


Tel: 07937/99 99 99 0

Showroom East - Halle / Saale

Delitzscher Str. 293, 06116 Halle (Saale)

Special opening hours

04.09. 10 a.m to 6 p.m
05.09. 10 a.m to 6 p.m
07.09. closed
08.09. closed
09.09. closed
10.09. closed
11.09. 10 a.m to 6 p.m
12.09. 10 a.m to 6 p.m
14.09. closed
15.09. closed


Tel.: 02327 / 40 70 152


We look forward to seeing you


We look forward to seeing you

Showroom North - Schwarzenbek

Nikolaus-Kopernikus-Straße 6, 21493 Schwarzenbek


Tel.: 02327 / 40 70 151

Showroom South - Rommelsried

Biburger Straße 32 - Hall No. 3 - 86500 Rommelsried


Tel.: 02327 / 40 70 153


We look forward to seeing you


We look forward to seeing you

Showroom North / West - NL

Vriezerweg 14c, 9482 TB Tynaarlo (Dr.)
A28 Afslag 35 Vries

Opening hours

Only by appointment by phone


Ivar van der Leij | Tel .: +31 (0) 592 782 448

We speak German / Dutch / English

This is the headline

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CAMPWERK at trade fairs

Phone consultation

CAMPWERK brings its consultation from our showrooms to your home. Starting now, fans of the van lifestyle can also get consultation on our products such as rooftop tents or tent trailers by phone. Which rooftop tent is the right one for me and my car? Will the small berth suffice or do I need the big one?

You can discuss these topics and many more more with your personal camping expert.


The CAMPWERK brochure offers much more information and details about our products. With our current price list attached, of course. If you prefer holding paper in your hands, we’d be happy to send you our current brochure in printed form, free-of-charge.

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